Dr. Adeniyi Oluwatosin Ademola
2004 – 2010 University of Ibadan Nigeria
- Ph.D Economics (October 2010)
- M.Sc. Economics (February 2006)
1997 – 2002 University of Ibadan Nigeria B.Sc Agricultural Economics (October 2002) Graduated with Second Class Honours, Upper Division.
Work Experience
- September 2012- Date University of Ibadan Nigeria Lecturer
- October 2011- August 2012 Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa Nigeria Senior Research Fellow
- April 2011- September 2011 Redeemers University Nigeria Lecturer
- Sept. 2010 - March 2011 University of Ibadan Nigeria Associate Lecturer
- 2006 – 2010 University of Ibadan Nigeria. Research Assistant, Department of Economics (Supervisor: Prof. A.F. Adenikinju)
Literature Search and Review
Data Collection, Reconciliation, Processing and Analysis
Preparation and Writing of Financial and Economic Reports.
2007— 2010 University of Ibadan Nigeria Research Team Assistant, Department of Economics (Supervisor: Prof. F.O. Egwaikhide)
Collation and Circulation of Research materials within the team
Writing and Editing of Research Reports
Developing New and Innovative Research Proposals
2006 Oceanic International Bank (Plc.) Nigeria Professional – in – Training (P-I-T) in the Funds Transfer Unit of the Bank from July – October, 2006.
Handling of Local Money Transfer (LMT) transactions
Posting of cheques and other instruments
Western Union Money Transfer (WUMT) transactions Awards, Distinctions, Fellowships and Grants
Support to attend the Natural Resource Charter’s (NRC) International technical advisory group meeting held at Hilton London Paddington Hotels on March 15th, 2012.
Grant to participate in the IIG conference on ‘Institutions for pro-poor growth’ held at St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford on March 18th, 2012.
Full Sponsorship to attend the Annual Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference held at the University of Oxford, U.K, March 18th-20th, 2012.
Research Scholars funding to attend the 16th African Econometric Society (AES) held at the Kenyan School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya July 14th- 16th , 2011.
The Nigerian Academy of Science Award to attend the inaugural workshop of the Nigerian Young Academy hosted by Redeemers University, Nigeria. August 29th-30th, 2010.
Full scholarship to attend the Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS 2009) held at the University of Bergen, Norway. June 2009- July 2009.
Full sponsorship by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) on the Collaborative Ph.D. Programme (CPP) for Sub-Saharan Africa. October 2006 – March 2010.
A Thesis grant by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi, to carry out my Ph.D. study titled “Oil Price Shocks and Macroeconomic Performance in Nigeria”. June 2008.
A full scholarship to cover participation at the 2007 edition of the Joint Facility for Electives (JFE) organized by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Nairobi, Kenya, July 2nd – November 4th 2007. (I took Development Economics and Environmental Economics as elective courses).
Federal Ministry of Education Scholarship for outstanding final year undergraduate students in 2002.
Teaching Experience
Department of Economics, University of Ibadan Nigeria, Graduate Courses Taught
MBA 701 : Basic Mathematics and Statistics for Management
MBF 702 : Quantitative Techniques in Banking and Finance
Undergraduate Courses Taught (Distance Learning Centre)
- ECO 202: Principles of Economics II
- ECO 203: Applied Economics
Department of Economics and Business Studies, Redeemers University Nigeria, Undergraduate Courses Taught
- ECO 102 : Introduction to Economics II
- ECO 202: Principles of Microeconomics II
- ECO 212 : Principles of Macroeconomics II
- ECO 209: Urban and Regional Economics
- ECO 303: International Economics
- ECO 402 : Advanced Macroeconomics II
Fields of Specialization Research: Energy Economics, International Economics, Open Economy Macroeconomics and Development Economics.
Teaching: Macroeconomics, International Economics and Energy Economics.
Conferences, Trainings and Workshops
- The 5th NAEE/IAEE International Conference on the theme “Energy Technology and Infrastructure for Sustainable Development” held at Abuja Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, April 23rd-24th, 2012.
- The Natural Resource Charter’s (NRC) international advisory group meeting held at the Hilton London Paddington Hotels, U.K, March 15th, 2012.
- The IIG Conference on “Institutions for Pro-Poor Growth” held at St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, U.K, March 18th, 2012.
- The Annual Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference on “Economic Development in Africa” held at the University of Oxford, U.K, March 18th-20th, 2012.
- The 3rd Annual Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) Economic Policy and Fiscal Strategy seminar on “ Sustaining Growth through Inclusive Social Policy and Economic Reforms in Nigeria“ held at NICON Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, December 8th, 2011.
- The 16th Annual AES conference under the auspices of the Central Bank of Kenya and the Kenyan School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya, July 14th- 16th , 2011.
- The 4th joint Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics and the Nigerian Association for Energy Economics on “ Green Energy and Energy Security : Options for Africa” held at Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja, Nigeria, April 28-29, 2011.
- The Workshop of the Nigerian Academy of Science on “the founding of a Nigerian Young Academy” held at Redeemers University, Mowe, Nigeria, August 29-30, 2010.
- The 3rd joint Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics and the Nigerian Association for Energy Economics on “Energy, Environment and Economic Growth” held at New Chelsea Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, April 19-20, 2010.
- The 14th Annual International Symposium of the International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows (IARSAF) on “Climate Change and Food Security in Nigeria” held at the International institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, February 25th, 2010.
- The 2nd Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS 2009) course on “The Economics of Climate Change Cooperation and Game Theory” held at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway June 22- July 5, 2009.
- The 2nd joint Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics and the Nigerian Association for Energy Economics on “Energy Industry Restructuring- interactions between Business, Economics and Policy” held at Sheraton and Towers, Abuja, Nigeria, April 23-24, 2009.
- The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Biannual Research Workshop on “Endemic Diseases and Development” held at Hotel Intercontinental, Nairobi, Kenya, November 29- December 4, 2008.
- Biannual Research Workshop on “Agricultural Sector Performance and a Green Revolution in Africa”, organized by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Entebbe, Uganda, May 31 – June 6, 2008.
Research Grants and Consultancies
- African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Ph.D Thesis Grant 2008.
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles • A Vector Error Correction Modelling of Energy Price Volatility of an Oil Dependent Economy: The Case of Nigeria (with Ayoola Omojolaibi and Olusegun Omisakin), Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 2009.
- Responsiveness of Trade Flows to Changes in Exchange Rate and Relative Prices: Evidence from Nigeria (with Abimbola Oyinlola and Olusegun Omisakin), International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, 3(2), 2010.
- Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Financial Sector Development in Small Open Developing Economies (with Festus Egwaikhide, Abimbola Oyinlola and Olusegun Omisakin) Economic Analysis and Policy, 42(1), 2012.
- Oil Price Shocks and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Evidence from Threshold Modeling (with Abimbola Oyinlola and Olusegun Omisakin) OPEC Energy Review, 35(4), 2011.
- Purchasing Power Parity: Further Evidence from African Countries (with Festus Egwaikhide and Abimbola Oyinlola) Empirical Economics Letters, 10(10), 2011.
Articles Already Submitted for Publication
- Stock Prices and Exchange Rate Dynamics in Nigeria (with Abimbola Oyinlola and Olusegun Omisakin) Submitted to West African Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration.
- Foreign Capital Flows, Financial Development and Growth in Sub Saharan Africa (with Afees Salisu, Bello Ajide and Ibrahim Tajudeen). Submitted to Economie Internationale/International Economics.
Work in Progress
- Remittances and Domestic Financial Deepening in Sub-Saharan Africa ( with Ebere Uneze)
- Oil Price Shocks and Stock Markets in Oil-Producing African Economies: SVAR Analysis (with Adeola Adenikinju).
- Policy Coordination for Regional integration in ECOWAS: Trade Flows Retortion to Exchange Rate and Price Dynamics (with Olusegun Omisakin and Abimbola Oyinlola).
Referee Duties
- International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
- International Review of Applied Economics
- Economic Modelling
Professional Activities
- Member, Academic and Publications Committee of the Nigerian Association for Energy Economics (NAEE)
- Proficiency in the use of computer software applications such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, E-Views.
- English (Excellent in speaking, reading and writing)
- Yoruba (Excellent in speaking, reading and writing)
- Traveling and meeting people
- Engaging in pragmatic problem solving
- Football, Volley ball, Table Tennis and Excursions