Course Summary
The Science of Climate Change, Economic instrument, discount trade and climate change, introduction to life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of energy technology, calculation of carbon intensity of national energy generation systems and green gas (GHG) savings; global environmental benefits of renewable energy technology projects; international climates and environmental conventions; carbon market and clean development mechanisms (CDM); CDM methodologies for clean energies and energy efficiency projects; C02 capture and storage projects; policy options to mitigate emissions. Natural Resources, environment and development, ethics and the environment, welfare economics, market failure and public policy, economics of non renewable resource exploitation, economics of renewable natural resource exploitation, environmental resource and pollution; economic incentives and standards for environmental protection, theory of non market valuation; valuation of environmental resources; irreversibility, risk and uncertainty; Market Based Instruments; integrated management of environmental resources; environmental impact assessment; greening the national account: theory and Practice.