The African Trans-Regional Cooperation through Academic Mobility (ACADEMY) Consortium, composed of five higher education institutions from four different regions in Africa, intends to address these challenges by providing a mutual and continuous support, and creating synergy using the strengths and resources of each institution to overcome the main constraints and threats. The ACADEMY project is designed to provide resources and opportunities for student and staff mobility from four regions of Africa, offering support for Masters, Doctoral and short research, teaching and administrative visits between the consortium partners.
ACADEMY will offer a total of 55 scholarships related to five thematic areas:
1. Business, administration and law,
2. Natural sciences,
3. Information and Communication Technologies,
4. Engineering, manufacturing and construction,
5. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary.
For more information and application, visit:
The list of courses.
The number of scholarships available for offer (55):