NLC Vows to Resist Increase in Electricity Tariff by Abuja DisCo

The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) has vowed to mobilise Nigerian workers to resist the increase in electricity tariff by the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC), effective from September 1, describing it is an adamant desire by the Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) to ram through an ill-conceived agenda to further impoverish Nigerians amid plummeting return on service delivery.

The NLC President Ayuba Wabba, said this in a statement he signed on Tuesday and made available to reporters, adding that the astronomical increase is a ” taunting of the will of the Nigerian people gone far”.

He noted that this brazen decision was taken despite the fact the President Muhammadu Buhari and the National Assembly have ordered the DISCos to suspend the electricity tariff increase till further notice.

Part of the statement read:” We wish to state that the NLC seriously frowns at and completely condemns and totally rejects any plan to inflict further pains on Nigerians at this very time of great economic...for further reading, click on

Source: BusinessDay Newspaper             Sept 1,2020.